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Cross-curriculum Projects with the Library Panel

Students from all the levels watched the drama show provided by the company 'Dove Tales' and conducted a series of activities related to the story 'The Three Little Pigs'.






English Fun Day

Student helpers helped to run the booths. Participants spoke English when playing games. They had great fun.




iPad Teaching and Activities

Students from all the level use iPads to research, evaluate and revise their English after finishing each unit of work during their English mainstream  and reading lessons. They are very keen on participating in class games on Nearpod, Kahoot and SeeSaw platrorms.




PLPR&W Programme

Lessons with the NET-PLPR&W Reading and Writing Programme. Students learn how to blend sounds to learn simple words in English, read big books sing and play games in English.



Students make cupcakes during the PLPR&W lessons after reading a big book called 'Grandma and the Birthday Cake'.




The NET is reading a story 'My Sister' with Primary One students during the reading class.



Post exam activities



Students from upper classes joined the art workshop conducted in English with the artists after reading a book 'Making an Animated Cartoon'.




Snake Workshop

Primary Five students joined the workshop about local snakes organised by the NET teacher as a part of reading lessons. Students read a book called 'Amazing Snakes', designed posters about snakes and participated eagerly in this very interesting activity ran by a snake catcher, Mr Lee.




Speech Festival Training

Primary Six students are practising poems for Speech Festival.



SUrE Reading Programme for KS2

Students from upper classes read with the NET and conduct projects related to the book content. Here, students from Primary Four read a cook book 'Fun Food to Make and Eat' and learnt how to make a pizza following a recipe.




Primary Four students designed their own books about recycling after reading a story 'No More Rubbish'.




Values education and English Outdoor Activities

Primary Four students participated in the outdoor activity cleaning our village after reading a book 'No More Rubbish' during their English reading lessons. They have learnt about their duty to look after our village and be a responsible citizen.